Getting started - ATS Partners
This guide outlines the technical steps required for Embloy partners, specifically ATS system providers, to integrate with Embloy. If you need additional information or have any questions, please let us know.
Hey there! 👋 Welcome to Embloy! To enable your customers to seamlessly use Embloy in connection with your ATS, our systems need to be integrated. This will require a few technical steps, both from your side and ours.
If you have experience with tools like Stripe's one-click checkout or PayPal's one-click payment, this integration will be straightforward, as the concept is very similar.
What needs to be done for the integration?
TL;DR: We need your API documentation and access to a sandbox or test account to start developing the integration. On your side, you need to implement features in your ATS to enable the Embloy button, which allows candidates to apply for jobs with a single click. This involves uploading an Embloy API key, authenticating the request by calling our SDKs using this key when a candidate applies for a job, and displaying the Embloy button on every job posting.
Our side​
To start developing the integration from our side, we'll only need 2 things from you:
- Your API documentation
- Access to a sandbox environment or a test account
We will then start developing the integration from our side and keep you informed about the progress. We will reach out if additional information is needed.
Your side​
The core component of Embloy is the Embloy button, which is placed on job boards to allow candidates to apply for jobs with a single click. To enable this functionality, you need to implement the following features in your ATS:
Step 1: Embloy API key upload​
Implement a feature in your ATS that allows customers to upload an Embloy API key (aka client token) which they can create in their Embloy dashboard. This key is necessary for security reasons and to authenticate requests when submitting an application to the Embloy API.
We use the terms "Embloy API key" and "client token" interchangeably.
Step 2: Authenticate the request​
Implement a feature that retrieves the Embloy API key and a job or posting ID when a candidate applies for a job using the Embloy button. This information is used to send a request to the Embloy API, which returns a redirection URL for the applicant. You will need to add an endpoint to your backend for this purpose. You can either manually implement this or use one of Embloy's SDKs.
The process involves two steps:
When a user presses the "Apply with Embloy" button, your frontend makes a call to your new endpoint, including the job's posting ID.
The endpoint internally uses the uploaded client token and your job's posting ID to either call our SDKs or this endpoint. This will return a link to which the user needs to be redirected.
If you use Rails, it could look like this:
client_token = ... # Retrieve client token for the employer/owner of this job posting
posting_id = params["postingID"] # The job's posting ID needs to be passed to this endpoint
# Call our SDK (or manually the endpoint)
session = {mode: "your-ats-name", job_slug: posting_id}
client =, session)
redirect_url = client.make_request
redirect_to redirect_url # Return the URL to which the user needs to be redirectedtipSee our SDK documentation for other examples and more details.
Step 3: The "Apply with Embloy" button​
The Embloy button needs to be displayed on every job posting on the job board of customers of your ATS that have enabled the Embloy integration and, when pressed, make a call to the endpoint defined in Step 2.
A typical implementation might look like this, but for this part, you can think of an approach that works best for you:
const handleApplyClick = async () => {
try {
// Call your endpoint as defined in step 2
const response = await fetch('<your-api>/<your-endpoint>?postingID=<your-posting-ID>', {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
// Redirect the user to the application portal
window.location.href = (await response.json()).url;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
<button onClick={handleApplyClick}> <!-- Style this accordingly so that it fits within your UI -->
<img src="" style={{ width: "300px", height: "auto" }} />
When a candidate clicks on "Embloy Apply " on your page, they will be then redirected to Embloy's application portal.
Testing & launch​
After both sides have implemented their parts, we will conduct thorough testing to ensure the integration works as expected.
Once the integration has been successfully tested, Embloy is ready to launch and can be made available to your customers.
What is the typical timeline for completing the integration?
In our experience, a typical integration takes around 2-4 weeks to be developed and tested. The timeline can vary depending on the complexity of the integration and the availability of resources on both sides. If you have a specific timeline in mind, please let us know.
Why do I need to save a client token and make an API call using Embloy's SDKs before redirecting the user instead of just hardcoding a link to a job (e.g.,
There are two reasons for this:
- Security: We need to ensure that applications for a certain job are only submitted from a site where the employer has uploaded the application form (e.g., your job posting). For this, we need the client token (aka Embloy API key).
- Request Authentication: We need to verify that a redirection to our portal has been done by an Embloy customer who is authorized for this action. Hence, to authenticate the request, you call our SDKs using the customer's (secret) client token to return a (public and short-lived) request token which we then verify.
Why don't you just use our ATS system's webhooks to automatically receive all job postings for a given user?
To avoid unnecessary storage of sensitive information, when a customer integrates Embloy, we don't directly fetch all their jobs. We only request jobs from your ATS system's API on a need-to-know basis. When a customer uses the button on a new job posting, this job posting is unknown to Embloy's API. When a user applies for this job using Embloy, we automatically check whether we already have this job or not, and if not, we then fetch it from your API. That's why the authentication steps, as explained above, are so important.
Do I need to use Embloy's SDKs?
No. You can use our open-source SDKs out of convenience, but if you don't want to, you can do it manually by calling this endpoint.
Can the Embloy button be integrated with mobile applications?
Yes. The process for integrating the Embloy button with mobile applications is similar to integrating it with a website, as described above. You need to implement the same features in your mobile application as you would for a website. You can either use our soon-to-be-released mobile SDKs or do it manually by calling this endpoint. If you need help with this, please contact us and we'll do our best to help.
Embloy doesn't provide an SDK for my backend framework. What should I do?
We try to provide SDKs for the most popular frameworks, but if we don't support yours yet, please contact us and we'll either create a new SDK or explain in detail how to do it manually using this endpoint.
Are there any costs associated with the integration?
No. We only charge companies for using our platform as an employer to receive applications. Since an integration does not fall under this category, there are no costs associated with it from our side.
Can I customize the look and feel of the Embloy button?
Currently, we offer a few default buttons, to accommodate for light and dark backgrounds. If you need a different style, please contact us and we'll do our best to help.
Any other questions or technical issues? Just reach out to us and we'll do our best to help.