Scenario comparison
Determine if Embloy is the right fit for your needs.
When comparing different scenarios, remember that Embloy is designed as an add-on to build on top of your existing systems. However, if you don't have any ATS systems in place, Embloy can also function as a standalone system.
Who is it for?
Scenario 1:
You're a small company with a simple HTML website, a few open job positions, and no ATS tools in place. You accept applications via email or LinkedIn.
Embloy-Smart is an ideal choice for you. It can be easily integrated with Genius-Queries, supports up to 50 active job listings, and can function as a standalone ATS system at no extra cost.
Scenario 2:
You're a small to medium-sized company with a complex job page (perhaps linked to your backend) and dozens of open job positions. You have a custom application system.
Embloy-Smart is perfect for you. It integrates using Quicklink, supports up to 50 active job listings, and can be used on top of your existing application system.
Scenario 3:
You're a medium- to large-sized company with a fully integrated and efficient application processing system (e.g., Greenhouse, Successfactors, Workdayjobs, Join, ...) and hundreds of rapidly changing open job positions.
Embloy-Genius is ideal for you. It integrates and automates using Quicklink, supports unlimited active job listings, and can be easily integrated into popular ATS systems using our SDKs and Embloy Genius integration features.
Who is it NOT for?
Scenario 1:
You're an individual or a very small team that manages a low volume of applications manually and prefers a more hands-on approach.
Embloy's automation and integration features may not be necessary for your needs. A simpler solution or manual processing might be more suitable.
Scenario 2:
You're a company that does not hire frequently or has unique hiring processes that may not align with standard application management tools.
While we strive to offer a flexible and customizable application process, if your hiring process is infrequent or highly unique, Embloy might not be the best fit.