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Token customization

Client token customization

You can customize your client tokens to have a custom expiration date up to one year in the future, as well as to only accept applications submitted by verified users.

You can either use the appropriate feature on the token dashboard or this endpoint.

Request token customization

Request tokens only require you to set the job_slug field. The default value for mode is "job" and for the success_url and cancel_url the referrer of the request (e.g., your website). If you already created a custom job in Embloy, you can leave all other fields empty, as they will be ignored either way.


If you didn't create a custom job, you can customize the request token to have certain values and enable or disable certain features (e.g., requiring the user to submit a CV in a certain file format) by setting the appropriate fields when creating a session.

If you didn't create a custom job and left all request token fields empty (besides job_slug), Embloy automatically creates an empty job linked to your account. which users can then apply for.


To customize it, please refer to the tutorials, the Embloy example implementations, or this endpoint documentation.

Example session configuration

You can customize your request tokens to have custom application session details, such as:

  "session": {
"mode": "job",
"success_url": "/success",
"cancel_url": "/failure",
"job_slug": "job#3",
"title": "TestTitle",
"description": "<div>This is the description</div>",
"start_slot": "2024-01-16T04:03:04.825Z",
"longitude": "11.613942994844358",
"latitude": "48.1951076",
"job_type": "Retail",
"job_status": "listed",
"position": "CEO",
"currency": "EUR",
"salary": "9",
"key_skills": "Entrepreneurship",
"duration": "9",
"job_notifications": "1",

Session values


For more information on the mode and job_slug values, see the guides.

FieldAllowed ValuesDefault Value
mode"job", "ashby", "lever", "softgarden""job"
success_urlAny valid URLthe referrer's URL
cancel_urlAny valid URLthe referrer's URL
job_slugAny string"<user_id>_<title>_<current_datetime>"
titleAny stringN/A
descriptionAny stringN/A
start_slotAny valid ISO 8601 date stringN/A
longitudeAny valid longitude0.0
latitudeAny valid latitude0.0
job_type"Retail", "other types..."N/A
job_status"listed", "unlisted""archived"
positionAny stringN/A
currency"EUR", "USD", "CHF""EUR"
salaryAny valid numberN/A
key_skillsAny stringN/A
durationAny valid number1
job_notifications"0", "1""1"